Urge Your Senators to Vote YES to Protect Patients' Rights!


Bill AB 495 has made it to the Senate but further support is needed! The bill seeks to repair some of the harm caused by the KODIN (Keep Our Doctors in Nevada) legislation. Among other things, KODIN put a cap of $350,000 on damages for pain and suffering in medical malpractice suits. The Hepititis outbreak that occurred under the watch of Dr. Desai and his colleages has brought into serious question the amount of protection we should afford physicians when they are blatently negligent. Bill AB 495 will remove the cap on damages as well as some other protections that have proven beneficial for doctors like Desai in the past.

I thank those of you who contacted your representatives to urge them to vote yes on this bill. Now I ask that you contact your senators and urge them to do the same.

Dear Senator,
I strongly support Bill AB 495, which seeks to lift some of the obstacles for injured patients in medical malpractice suits. The KODIN legislation, which implemented these obstacles has caused irreputable harm to injured patients and has given unnecessary protections to doctors like Dr. Dipak Desai. I ask that you please vote yes for Bill AB 495.

Terry Care, Chair tcare@sen.state.nv.us
Mark Amodei mamodei@sen.state.nv.us
Valerie Weiner vweiner@sen.state.nv.us
Maurice Washington mwashington@sen.state.nv.us
Allison Copening acopening@sen.state.nv.us
David Parks dparks@sen.state.nv.us
Mike McGinness mmcginness@sen.state.nv.us
