U.S. Companies Fighting Fewer Lawsuits


More news that suggests that we are less litigious rather than more. This from the American Association of Justice quoting the New York Times:

"U.S. companies are getting hit with fewer new lawsuits and initiating less litigation, according to a survey released on Monday. The poll of in-house law departments suggests corporate litigation may have slowed, although big companies still find themselves juggling plenty of court cases, particularly patent and product liability disputes. The fourth annual survey of in-house counsel at 250 major U.S. companies, was commissioned by law firm Fulbright & Jaworski LLP. The survey found 17 percent of respondents said their companies have not had to defend against any new lawsuits this year -- such as those filed by employees, consumers, shareholders, competitors or enforcement agencies -- up from 11 percent a year earlier that did not face a single new suit. Sixty-five percent of respondents said their company had initiated at least one lawsuit in the past year, down from more than 70 percent a year ago and 88 percent in 2004. Twenty-two percent said they expect to see the number of legal disputes their companies face increase over the next 12 months, compared with 33 percent last year, the survey found."
