Nevada's 'Catch-All' Statute Of Limitations

There are more than 75 statutes in Nevada that limit the manner in which a legal action may be brought. These are frequently known as "statutes of limitation" and often relate to the length of time that a party has to bring a claim under Nevada law. Claims that are not brought within applicable statutes of limitations may be subject to dismissal.

Nevada Revised Statute 11.190 governs statutes of limitation for a majority of legal actions brought within this state.

Those evaluating a claim to understand when it must be brought (generally the date by which the action must be filed in court) must be careful, however, since particular types of claims (medical malpractice, for instance) have statutes of limitations contained elsewhere in Nevada law.

NRS 11.190 provides:

NRS 11.190 Periods of limitation. Except as otherwise provided in NRS 125B.050 and 217.007, actions other than those for the recovery of real property, unless further limited by specific statute. 
